Important Nos

Intercom / Emergency Numbers

CRM Help desk (24 X 7) 2013, 01244968910
CRM Help desk (24 X 7) 0124-4550200
Estate Manager 0124-4959638/9818986390
Accounts Office 0124-4917991
Main Gate 60000, 0124-4988596
Main Gate App 95600-13643
Tower-A Reception 61000
Tower-B Reception 62000
Tower-C Reception 63000
Tower-D Reception 64000
Tower-E Reception 65000
Apartment to Apartment 6XYYZ
"X – Tower No., YY-Floor Nos., Z-Flat No.
X= 1 for A, 2 for B…, YY- 01 to 26, Z – 1 to 6"
Club Restaurant 0124-4966307, 8826518953
Everyday Mart 7303488252
Scrap Vendor - Nijakat Malik 9821818067
Presswala- Vasudev 7701974029
Presswala- Rahul 8447059196
Presswala- Deepak 9821729214
Amit Vegetable Shop 9354364909
Satish Embrace LPG 7290827083
LG Air Conditioning 8800353448
Sector-65 Police Station 9205855217, 9205892147
Artemis- Hospital 0124 - 451 1111, 9810018095
Medanta- Hospital 0124 - 414 1414, 9971606859
Max- Hospital 0124 - 6623000, 8860444888
Narayana- Hospital 0124 - 6421000, 18602080208
W Pratiksha- Hospital 0124 - 4131091, 8178561228